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Business Meeting at a Cafe

1:1 leadership and decision coaching

I learned from Nicole that you don’t have to always choose A or B, it’s possible to get both and most people don’t realize that. This has been the single best thing I realized in my work with her.  When you open your mind, you open possibilities.





- Er C., health economist

Six sessions of flflexible and open coaching introducing you to the fundamentals of Aurelian Coaching's methods

Chart on the digital tablet screen.

Effective Decision Making

Come of out the fog of uncertainty - and learn to avoid it in the future. Good decisions come from confidence.

Leveraging Your Expertise

Experience is just what happened. Expertise is application of knowledge to new situations. Embrace your expertise. 

Emotional Accountability

Your decisions come from your thoughts and feelings in any given moment. Surface
these to be more effective.

Proactive problem solving 

Learn to see around corners and bring all the relevant stakeholders on board. Put the days of knee-jerk reactions behind you.

Get exposure to quality executive coaching.

Learn skills that will serve you for years to come.

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Working with Nicole through this coaching program helped me to gain a new perspective. I gained insights about how to present myself as someone who can contribute what others can’t.

Kristine B.
Strategic Planner

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I came to this program when I was in a dark place professionally. I got equal parts professional advice, and notes on personal development. After our talks, I was primed and ready to lead.

Mike D.

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A good framework for tackling business problems, it helped me provide creative solutions for my clients. The unique approach to challenges made me a more effective leader.

Nick G.
Field Team Manager

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